Clogheen, Tipperary
Clogheen, Hidden Heart of Ireland, Homepage.
Here you will find all you need to know about Clogheen, Co. Tipperary, Ireland. It doesn’t matter whether you are a regular visitor to the town, intend visiting there at some stage in the future or are simply researching the area, everyone will find something to interest them here.
The site, which is a work in progress, contains details of sport, history, community, culture, old and recent photos and useful local links. This site now incorporates the two previous versions of the original Clogheen website with details of history, genealogy, walks, places to stay, etc.
Although no longer being updated, the original Clogheen website can be found here if you wish to view it.
Basically everything you will ever need to know about Clogheen can be accessed from this site.
If you wish to receive notification when there are updated posts on the site just sign your email up in the ‘Follow Clogheen‘ box on your right hand side. You’ll be asked to confirm your email address by an auto-mailer and when you’ve clicked on the link in this mail you will receive an email on recent updates the day after they have been uploaded to the site. You can also follow us on RSS, Facebook or Twitter if you wish – the links are in the same place.
Please do enjoy and we look forward to seeing you in our picturesque village.