Historic Graves

Pupils from Clogheen School take rubbings at Shanrahan Cemetery.
Historic Graves
There have been some really exciting community archaeology projects taking place around Ireland in 2012. The Historic Graves Project involves the training of local communities to record historic gravestones at the old graveyards at Newcastle, Molough Abbey, Shanrahan and Tubrid. The training and mentoring for the project is being provided by Historic Graves. The group has successfully completed similar projects all over the country.
You can find an excellent article here, written by Louise Nugent on the activities in Shanrahan, where physical recording of the headstones and tombs took place in mid-October 2012. The photos included on this page were also taken by Louise, so we would like to thank her for giving permission to use them.

Locals record headsone data in Shanrahan Graveyard.
Once all the data from the different graveyards has been collated and published it will be available on the Historic Graves website. The full Shanrahan records will also be available here on the Clogheen website and records for Tubrid, Newcastle and Molough Abbey will be available on the Knockmealdown Active website.
Thank you so much to so many people who have taken part in recording the headstone data in Shanrahan. My fathers ashes (Patrick Connors) are buried there, in the same plot as my grandfather Denis O’Leary. Why ! he came from London and Kent in England but he was married to Catherine O’Leary who came from Clogheen. They were married there in 1939 in St Marys. My mother had my brother in Clogheen. My father was working in England at this time and used to come to Clogheen to see his family during the war.. He always spoke with such fondness of Clogheen and the people he knew there. We bought him back to Clogheen a few years before he died and so we thought it was fitting that we should bring his ashes back to be interred there. He loved Clogheen