Mar 072016

Clogheen Drama Group – March 11th & 12th 2016

This year’s play by Clogheen Drama Group is the much acclaimed “The Highest House on the Mountain” by John B. Keane, directed by John Hayes. This is a play about the timeless battle between the forces of tradition and change. Widower Mikey’s two sons return from England to the family farm, but for very different reasons. Connie is in desperate financial trouble and fled overnight without having time to pack a suitcase. Patrick has had a grim life on the streets in London, and like his new wife Julie, harbours dark secrets. Mikey’s brother Sonny and Connie’s lover Sheila also hide secrets. Once the veil of secrecy is stripped away, nothing will ever be the same again.

The Highest House on the Mountain played before packed houses on its release and was critically acclaimed. The Irish Times described it as Keane’s best play. It is therefore surprising that it has been rarely presented in recent times as it richly deserves to be enjoyed by modern audiences. This is a wonderful opportunity to savour one of Ireland’s greatest playwrights hidden gems. Here is a play which combines all the tragic power associated with ‘The Field’, without losing the unique comic appeal found in such Keane gems as ‘Big Maggie’.

The Highest House on the Mountain

The play will run on March 11th and 12th in St Paul’s Community Centre, Clogheen. Starting at 8.15 each night. Tickets available at English’s Fruit and Veg Shop Clogheen, or ring or P.J. English on  .

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