Jul 312014

Clogheen August Bank Holiday Festival 2014 – Wednesday 30th July to Sunday 3rd August.

The festival opens on Wednesday night July 30th with a 45 card game.

On thursday night the annual 5k road race and fun run take place. Start at 8pm. We would like to encourage all our local walkers to participate in this event, the course is flat and refreshments are served in the Community Centre after the race.

Friday August 1st; There is a new event this year; the Keg Rolling Competition. Each publican is asked to enter a team in this event which will be held on Main Street at 7.30pm. Teams of 3 persons, Ladies and Gents teams.

Our young folk are invited to a Teddy Bears Picnic in the grounds of the Community Centre on Saturday at 2pm. Get Mum and Dad to pack the picnic basket and don’t forget to bring teddy.

The highlight of the festival is our National Sheep Racing Finals. This takes place on Saturday Night in the grounds of the Community Centre at 7.30pm. Bookies will be on hand to take your bets.

Our Gala Day will take place on Sunday August 3rd in Fr. Sheehy’s G.A.A.  Park by kind permission at 2pm. Usual range of events include underage matches. tug of war, B-B-Que, cake sale, bouncy castle, buried treasure and all the fun of the fair.

The festival raffle is ongoing, 1st prize; €100 Shopping Voucher at Browns XL Clogheen. 2nd prize; A Television kindly sponsored by Colm Browne X.L. and 3rd prize is a bottle of whiskey.

Looking forward to seeing you all there.

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