Feb 202012

Flemingstown, Shanrahan Walk - the Foill Dearg, ClogheenFlemingstown, Shanrahan Walk – Knockmealdown Walking Club

On Sunday, February 19th 2012 the group took on a lovely local walk in the Shanrahan/Flemingstown area known locally as the Foill Dearg (this could well be a mis-spelling, it’s an educated guess as I can’t find an online reference to it anywhere, so if anyone knows the proper spelling they might pass it on).

The start of the walk is on the right hand side on the Araglin road about a half mile past Shanrahan graveyard (forestry entrance after the third road turning to the right). There is normally a closed metal forestry barrier there.)

On the day we walked from the forestry entrance uphill along the Araglin road, turning off this road at the Sheep Pen (you’ll see a sign there for the Knocklugga Loop) and taking the forestry road back to the start.

It’s a lovely walk, just under 10km long, and the weather was exceptional for walking – crisp, dry and with some lovely sunshine.

You can find and download the walk on ViewRanger here (use the drop down to show Google Maps or Satellite, it will be more accurate than OpenStreet map which has put in an extra non-existent road for some reason. The map in the picture above is from Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSI) but you can’t view this unless you buy the rights to view OSI maps from View Ranger – it costs €24 for 50 sq. km.).

Below are some photographs taken on the walk.

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