Baylough Rhododendron Loop Walk
Ever wondered what is the best route to take to view the Rhododendron when in full bloom around Baylough and Loughglenbridge? Well this walk is certainly a contender for the crown. It is simply stunningly beautiful, any time of the year, but most especially when the Rhodendron is blooming.
Baylough Rhododendron Loop Walk – Route
This walk departs from Mount Anglesby, parking your car at the top of the straight above the Hospital and school on the right hand side.
The walk takes an alternative scenic route to Baylough, turning right along the traditional track and walking the ridge to the north of Baylough, arriving to the lake from the highest viewing point giving stunning views. The ridge before Baylough gives the best views you will get of the valley toward Clonmel, Slievenamon, Cahir, Cashel and the Galtees.
From Baylough the route takes you back down to Loughglenbridge, across the bridge, then down the far side of the glen. There is a waymark along the way that will tell you to go straight ahead, but it is for a different walk, here you can go left, across the glen on a lovely little wooden bridge, then down the road and left in to Kilballyboy Wood.
From here you cross the road, walk back up to the road from Mount Anglesby to Baylough and then back this route to your car at Mount Anglesby.
It’s a beautiful 8.5km walk at any time of the year but if you want to see the true beauty of the flowering Rhododendrons from mid-May to mid-June this is most certainly the walk to take. Simply stunning.
Bring walking boots (you will not be able to do parts of this in runners as it can be quite wet on the climb off the normal track), a drink, shower proof jacket and a fully charged mobile phone.
It is not advisable to take this route after heavy rain or when there has been a lot of recent bad weather as parts of it use stream beds to climb the path.
Baylough Rhododendron Loop Walk – On Your Phone
You can find the full walk on ViewRanger here, so you can download it to your phone for free and let it guide you along the route. Here’s map of the route to let you know what it entails. Underneath you’ll find some photos from this loop walk during full bloom in fine weather.

Some Photos taken on this walk during full bloom:

View of Clogheen with Galtee Mountains in the background.

View to Galtee Mountains with Gorse and Rhododendron

This is where you emerge to Baylough – never fails to impress.

View across the valley with a full show of Rhododenron blooms.

The annual spectacular show of blooms at Loughglenbridge, just below the Vee and Baylough.

Blooms at Loughglenbridge from higher up the mountain.

Picture of Blooms taken from the bridge crossing the glen below Loughglenbridge, the dent in the mountain is Baylough.