Kilballyboy Wood – Baylough Walk, Clogheen
Thanks to Galty Vee Valley Tourism for the map and directions at the end of the page.
This is a 6km walk to the fabulous Corrie Lake known as Baylough or Bay Lough (an anglicisation of the old Gaelic word ‘Bealach’ meaning Pass, in this case the mountain pass that Bay Lough would have been known as in the past) . The walk can be started or finished at a number of points and you should, at no time, be more than 30 minutes from your car. The walk is just right for a picnic, with the shores of the lake the ideal place for it to be eaten. Leave your car in Kilballyboy Wood, about 1 mile south of Clogheen on the left on the Vee Road.
While you can do this walk any time of the year, the time when the area is at its most impressive is when the Rhododendrons are in full bloom. This is normally the end of May and beginning of June. Parts of the route can also get a bit mucky after rainfall and it makes the climb at Loughlenbridge difficult, so it is better to do it in dry weather if possible.
If you’d rather not take on the climb at Loughglenbridge you can do this walk in reverse, which gives a longer, more gradual, incline up to Bay Lough and involves returning down the more steep hillside to Loughglenbridge. You can view this reverse walk, which starts at Mount Anglesby, here.
Full directions are on the PDF document below and you can download the route from ViewRanger here if you wish to use your smartphone to guide you along the walk.

Walk 2 – Kilballyboy Wood – Bay Lough – 2.5/3 hours
Here is the walk as a PDF file (Adobe Acrobat Reader – Free Download) should you wish to print it out to take with you on your walk.
Download (PDF, 441KB)
Walk 2 PDF